Hosted Voice Solutions

January 5th, 2018 by admin

Hosted Services

We are all so busy these days, there aren't enough hours to get everything taken care of! At Nova Communications, we understand this all too well, and are well equipped to help you in the area of your business communications.

We offer hosted voice solutions which comes with a number of benefits. Premised based equipment is expensive and becomes obsolete quickly, and there is the redundancy inherent with service provided by a carrier. Hosted service means the latest features are easily programmable via the web. The flexibility of bursting with SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) allows for voice on demand. Your mobile workforce can sign in from anywhere through IP communications. Last but not least hosted solutions allow easy integration of multi-site locations.

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Posted in: Services

Nova Will Help You Explore ALL Options

Hosted, Virtual, VoIP or Traditional Phone System… Which fits your company best?