Customer Testimonials

September 4th, 2018 by admin

Business People Clapping Hands

At Nova Communications we have a reputation, one we have built up with over four-thousand installations across the country. This reputation has taken years of excellent service to achieve and has been helped spread by you, our customers. All of the wonderful things you have had to say about us over the years has made a difference and we would like to take a moment to share some of the testimonials you all have left about us and our quality services.

“You actually never have to ask me how things went. Your guys are the best and when something isn't working or needs to be fixed they are on it and see the work through until there is a resolution. I enjoy working with you guys and would recommend your company to anyone.”
– Bryan

“I had Kevin and Shari adjust out auto-attendant, they were great to work with, it was done quickly and sounds perfect, it has been nice working with Kevin at Nova, he responds to my calls and answers my questions or solves my problems in a very prompt manner. I look forward to working together in the future.”
– Dave

“The service was exceptional! Don is always super helpful but he really went above and beyond on this particular request. He was friendly, patient, very professional did an excellent job troubleshooting. We have an older voicemail system that sometimes requires more work. Don had already talked to me about this call forwarding programming in person and then over the phone twice. It worked on my phone but not on my co-workers. When we couldn't figure it out over the phone, he did not hesitate to stop by for a quick visit which resolved the problem. My co-worker has since moved to Arizona where he is working remotely and seamlessly receiving his calls thanks to Don's extra efforts. Please give Don a raise the next time you can - he is a great tech! Thanks!”
– Wendy

Thank you all for the kind words you have left us. It takes you spreading the word so that we can keep growing and your input enables us to keep improving so we can provide the best service.

You can read more of our testimonials if you would like to know what other customers are saying.

Or contact us if you would like to experience our reputation first-hand.

Posted in: Services

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