Our Services
March 16th, 2018 by admin

Looking for a wide range of services that satisfy your voice and data needs? Take a look at Zultys; offering you unified messaging, voicemail and the traditional phone features you know and love. Imagine having your email, SMS, fax, voicemail and video messages stored in one single interface. It also allows you to access them from all different devices.
Then there is SIP. SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) allows instant messaging, voice, video and other multimedia communications. A benefit is that it allows the flexibility you need and only charges you for what you use.
Call Center Solutions allows you to be anywhere and still run your business. Get UCedge on your phone or device allowing you to have a separate number so you don’t have to give out your personal number. It also gives you access to your coworkers without having to know their extensions.
Voice and Data Cabling is what holds everything together. Think of it as the backbone of your information delivery system. Here at Nova Communications, we provide structured cabling services. Everything we do complies with all applicable local and State standards.
Ask yourself, are you in need of Voice Over IP, call center solutions, voice and data cabling, or SIP? Lets us know what you need and we will work to get you the best system for your business.
Posted in: Services