Technology Articles

Unleash the Hunter: Dominate Network Security with WatchGuard

July 1st, 2024 by admin

Man on digital background

In today's digital landscape, network threats lurk around every corner, ready to strike when you least expect it. Malicious actors are constantly evolving their tactics, making it increasingly difficult to maintain a secure network environment. Facing...

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Posted in: Services

Why Is WatchGuard the Best Choice for Firewalls?

March 18th, 2024 by admin

Multiple loack icons overlayed on top of a person taking notes and reading a tablet

Imagine your computer as a fortress and the internet as a bustling city filled with friendly faces and potential threats alike. Just like a fortress needs strong walls to keep invaders out, your computer needs a firewall to protect your personal...

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Posted in: Solutions

Everything You Need to Know About Watchguard Firewalls

November 1st, 2023 by admin

A digital eye monitoring for threats

A firewall is a network security device that is critical to the safety and security of a company's data and sensitive information. A firewall can be either software or hardware and use access policies for the identification and filtration of various...

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Posted in: Solutions

The Benefits of WatchGuard Firewalls

May 23rd, 2023 by admin

A lock overlaid on business people in a boardroom

Firewalls are important for businesses, both small and large. A firewall is a barrier between networks or systems, which can help protect customers from malicious threats like hackers. It also helps to control access to your network by setting up rules...

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Posted in: Products

Why WatchGuard is the Best Choice in Cybersecurity for Protecting Your Business

September 25th, 2019 by admin

Technology themed concept art of a yellow lock on a blue background

Cybersecurity threats have become an increasing problem for businesses of every size. Data Breaches have exposed 4.1 billion records in just the first six months of 2019 alone. This leads to massive amounts of damage to the reputation of those businesses...

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Posted in: Products

Keep Network Threats at Bay with WatchGuard

November 7th, 2018 by admin


The internet isn't as safe as it used to be, now threats are lurking around every corner. There are people looking for any kind of weakness in your security they can exploit to break in. If they manage to achieve that they'll take anything they want....

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Posted in: Products

Always Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers with WatchGuard

April 26th, 2018 by admin

WatchGuard Lion

Popular sayings enter our vernacular for a reason--because they ring true for many people who hear them. One saying that especially rings true for us is that "the best defense is a strong offense." By partnering with WatchGuard, Nova Communication...

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Posted in: Products

Nova Will Help You Explore ALL Options

Hosted, Virtual, VoIP or Traditional Phone System… Which fits your company best?