Technology Articles

Beware of Phishing Scams: How to Protect Yourself Online

July 16th, 2024 by admin

Representation of phishing attempt with hook and piece of paper

Phishing scams have become increasingly sophisticated and widespread. These deceptive attacks aim to trick users into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials, credit card details, or personal data. Falling victim to these scams...

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Posted in: Solutions

Launching New Cybersecurity Insurance Program with techrug to Protect Local Businesses

February 6th, 2024 by admin

Cybersecurity Shield

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider (MTSP) Delivers Innovative “Dual Claim Coverage” Model to Minimize Wait Time and Eliminate Hassle PLYMOUTH, MN ‐ Nova Technologies, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), announced today...

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Posted in: Press Release

Stay Protected from Phishing Scams with Artificial Intelligence

January 16th, 2024 by admin

An alert for phishing scams

You are scrolling through your inbox, casually sipping your coffee, when suddenly, you spot an email that seems legit. It's got all the bells and whistles - a professional-looking layout, impeccable grammar, and a sender who claims to be your business...

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Posted in: Solutions

The Benefits of WatchGuard Firewalls

May 23rd, 2023 by admin

A lock overlaid on business people in a boardroom

Firewalls are important for businesses, both small and large. A firewall is a barrier between networks or systems, which can help protect customers from malicious threats like hackers. It also helps to control access to your network by setting up rules...

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Posted in: Products

How Do Firewalls Protect Your Business?

April 5th, 2023 by admin

A red shield on a blue background

Firewalls are security systems that protect a network from unauthorized access. They monitor and control the incoming and outgoing traffic based on predetermined rules, such as blocking certain types of data or allowing only specific IP addresses...

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Posted in: Services

The Signs You Need to Install WatchGuard Firewalls for Your Business

January 30th, 2023 by admin

A hooded hacker typing on two keyboards with the word 'Vulnerability' in orange

The WatchGuard Firewall System is a comprehensive network security solution designed to protect your organization's data, applications, and resources from malicious attacks, malware, and other cyber threats. It features advanced hardware-based firewall...

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Posted in: Products

Nova Technologies Selected to Share Their Expertise at Top IT Event

April 6th, 2022 by admin

Man speaking to convention space full of people with focus on a business man's back near the last row.

Leading MTSP to Offer Their Technology Knowledge to Peers Around the U.S. and Canada PLYMOUTH, MN – Nova Technologies, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), announced today that they’ve been selected to attend...

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Posted in: Press Release

How IT Security Benefits Your Business

January 10th, 2022 by admin

IT security benefits

In recent years, cybercrime has emerged as one of the most significant industry issues. The expertise of current hackers, the volume of personal data exchanged online, and the fact that more firms are operating online than ever before have all added...

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Posted in: Services

Launching SaaS Alerting Technology to Manage Common Business Applications

October 13th, 2021 by admin

Someone video conferencing with a lawyer on the phone through unified communications.

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Invests in Advanced Cybersecurity Tools PLYMOUTH, MN – Nova Technologies, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), has increased their investments in an advanced cybersecurity technology...

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Posted in: Press Release

IT Security Trends for Businesses this Year

August 12th, 2021 by admin

 Overlay of digital numbers and letters with two red open locks and one white closed lock over a business man in a suit

IT security has become one of the leading concerns in the corporate sector in recent years. Today, IT security preparation or the lack of it is of more concern than conventional (physical/parametric) security measures. Since the IT world operates at...

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Posted in: Services

Helping Healthcare Organizations Protect Patient Data With Cybersecure Technology

May 5th, 2021 by admin

A nurse speaking with two elderly patients

Startling Statistics Reveal Challenges of Healthcare Industry's Ability to Safeguard Patient Records PLYMOUTH, MN - Nova Technologies, a leading managed technology services provider, announced that the company is helping healthcare organizations...

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Posted in: Press Release

Malware is Running Rampant - Learn The 3 Moves to Stop It

April 15th, 2021 by admin

A blue shield with a keyhole in the middle of it deflecting red skulls that represent viruses and malware.

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Reports on Increases in AI Prevalence PLYMOUTH, MN - Nova Technologies a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), proactively helps businesses address the increased threat of malware affecting...

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Posted in: Press Release

Protecting SMBs from Exponential Growth in Cybercrime

January 14th, 2021 by admin

A shield with the word Security written on it protecting a representation of a data cache

Leading Managed Technology Services Provider Educates Businesses on Dramatic Increase in Cybercrime Directed at Small-Business Owners and How to Prevent It PLYMOUTH, MN - Nova Technologies, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP),...

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Posted in: Press Release

Providing Customers With a Technology Plan for Continued Operations

October 29th, 2020 by admin

A business person using a tablet and a laptop

PLYMOUTH, MN - Nova Technologies, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), announced today that the company is building technology plans for businesses to continue to operate through the pandemic. Nova Technologies begins by evaluating...

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Posted in: Press Release

Nova Technologies Keeps Your Network Protected with WatchGuard

February 25th, 2020 by admin

A blue digital face with a red eye and a binary overlay

Cybersecurity is one of the most important aspects of running a business. Ensuring all of your business' sensitive data is protected, from accounts receivable to client information, is imperative to the success of your business. Additionally,...

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Posted in: Services

Monitoring the Dark Web to Keep Customers Information Safe

January 7th, 2020 by admin

Masked and hooded man holding credit card and a laptop

PLYMOUTH, MN – Cybercrime is rapidly on the rise in the United States and SMBs need to know if their information is on the Dark Web. Sadly, it's become commonplace to see reports in mainstream news whereby hundreds of millions of customers'...

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Posted in: Press Release


January 3rd, 2019 by admin

Blue shield with a keyhole in the center with binary layered over it

PLYMOUTH, MN – Nova Communications a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), is helping small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) protect themselves and their customers from DNS (Domain Name Server) attacks through innovative technology...

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Posted in: Press Release

Protect Yourself from Cryptojacking

December 18th, 2018 by admin

Laptop Showing Chart with Bitcoin Representation on Keyboard

First of all, what is cryptojacking? Cryptocurrency, which includes Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more, was created in 2009 and has become the new virtual currency used as a medium for exchange. Cryptocurrency has become one of the top news stories for the...

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Posted in: Services

Nova Communications Shares 3 Best Practices for Thwarting Phishing Attacks

November 21st, 2018 by admin

Business People Sitting at Desk Checking Email and Analytics on Computer

PLYMOUTH, MN – Nova Communications, a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), is helping small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) thwart cyberattacks and protect their organizations from unnecessary downtime by addressing the most common...

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Posted in: Press Release

Nova Communications Protects Customers with Security Optimization Center

September 20th, 2018 by admin

Businessman Selecting Closed Padlock Between Two Open

PLYMOUTH, MN – Nova Communications a leading managed technology services provider (MTSP), is helping small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) safeguard their infrastructure from cyberattacks in an innovative new way that is likely to gain widespread...

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Posted in: Press Release

Nova Communications' Technology Thwarts Cryptojacking

August 7th, 2018 by admin

Hacker overlaid with computer text

PLYMOUTH, MN – Nova Communications, a leading managed technology services provider, is helping small to mid-sized businesses (SMBs) to prevent cryptojacking attacks from damaging their organizations. Cryptojacking attacks, are derived from the widely...

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Posted in: Press Release

Nova Communications Disrupts Cybersecurity Industry with New Program

June 1st, 2018 by admin

Virtual Lock

PLYMOUTH, MN – Nova Communications a leading managed technology services provider, announced today that the company has launched a cybersecurity security-as-a-service program designed to protect businesses from daily attacks. Nova Communications’...

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Posted in: Press Release

Cybersecurity Certification

October 24th, 2017 by admin


Nova Communications a leading provider of unified communications has announced that the company is certified to provide cybersecurity solutions to SMBs (small to mid-sized businesses) to protect them from the barrage of cyber-attacks that occur every...

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Posted in: Nova News

Nova Will Help You Explore ALL Options

Hosted, Virtual, VoIP or Traditional Phone System… Which fits your company best?